5 Ways to Get More Efficiency Out of Your HVAC System

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It is important to regularly maintain the HVAC system in a commercial property in order to maintain the energy efficiency and prolong the length of the system’s life. In fact, maintenance can keep an HVAC system running efficiently for years. 

A well-maintained system can save you money on energy costs. It can even save money on a new system because your current one will last longer. But what are the simplest ways to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently for years? Doing these things can help you generate more power without spending more money. In addition, it can prevent higher maintenance costs in the future.

Why Should You Replace the Filter?

It is important that you replace the filter for your HVAC system regularly. Dirty filters can cause some problems. When the filter has too much residue, dust, and other impurities on it, then it can clog. When the filter is clogged the air does not flow as freely through it. This will make your system work much harder in order to effectively cool or heat your commercial buildings. Also, dirty filters can cause your property to have decreased air quality. This can be hazardous to the health of your employees or anyone else that spends a good amount of time inside the building. 

Most business owners understandably forget to change their filters as often as they should. However, changing a filter the recommended amount of time, which is usually once a month, can prevent poor air quality and reduced efficiency. It can also prolong the life of your HVAC system. 

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore or Delay Repairs

You should always regularly maintain your system and have it checked once a year. Quality maintenance by an experienced professional could save you up to 40 percent of the total cost of maintenance by preventing expensive, and often unnecessary, repairs in the future. Small problems are going to occur, but if addressed quickly, they are much less likely to develop into larger problems that will cost significantly more to fix. 

Is it Important to Check for Leaks?

Leaks in the cooling and heating ducts can cause your system to waste substantial energy and cost you money. In fact, you could save up to 20 percent on your energy bill if a leak is identified and repaired. You should strive to have an HVAC expert check your system once a year so that you do not have any long running leaks that will increase your bill. 

You should also check the ducts for reduced air flow or damage. Have them cleaned if there is a buildup of dust and contaminants. Accumulation of materials inside the ducts can cause your system to work much harder to reach the same desired temperature. 

Is it Necessary to Update the HVAC System?

Every HVAC system will run out of life and begin to lose a significant amount of its efficiency. Upgrading a system may be expensive, but it is a good investment that could end up saving you a lot of money in the long run. Typically, systems should be replaced if they are older than 10 years. However, some HVAC systems may wear out much quicker while others could last much longer so it is important to get an expert’s opinion. If an HVAC system is properly maintained and regularly checked, then you could increase the lifespan of the system by leaps and bounds. In fact, some systems can run efficiently for 20 years before needing to be replaced.

What Are Programmable Thermostats?

Programmable thermostats can help your HVAC system work the way you need it to. A lot of businesses do not need every area at the same temperature and a programmable thermostat can help you reduce your energy costs by focusing the power on the areas that require heating and cooling. A programmable thermostat can also tell your system when it should be used and to what extent so that you do not use energy unnecessarily.

Final Thoughts on HVAC Systems and Saving Energy

To save energy and money, it is important to regularly maintain your HVAC system. Also, when it is time to replace the system, it is a good idea for commercial property owners to check the energy rating and efficiency in order to save the most energy in the long run.

Does it Matter Where the HVAC Unit is?

In order for your HVAC system to properly do its job, the area around the unit needs to be clear. If there is too much dirt, plant growth, boxes, or any other objects around the unit the airflow can be severely impacted. Restriction in airflow can significantly reduce your system’s efficiency. You should periodically check the area around the unit and have a professional remove any branches, bushes around the area. You should also make sure not to store anything around the outside unit and make sure that it is placed in a fairly open area whether it is on the roof or on the ground floor of the exterior.

How Often Should You Schedule HVAC Service?

While this relates to the other issues on this list, it deserves to be stated on its own for emphasis. If you delay or ignore service, even if you believe there are not issues or required repairs, your system could be losing efficiency. Generally, you should schedule service at least once a year, but doing so twice a year can extend the life of the system, improve the quality of the air, and prevent excessive loss in efficiency. 

Sometimes systems require cleaning, removal of obstructions in the exhaust flue, or lubrication for the moving parts. It is also good to have your system inspected for safety reasons and thermostat settings. Another recommendation is to invest in a Building automation system, or BAS. These systems centralize the control of the HVAC, lighting, security, and other systems and provide monitoring and may alert you as soon as you have an issue that needs to be addressed.

Final Thoughts

The first step to increase the life and efficiency of any HVAC system is to have it regularly maintained. It is important that you have a trusted HVAC professional that will communicate any issues with you as the business owner. You should always make sure that your HVAC expert is changing the filters and checking the ducts. You should keep an eye on your building automation system, the area around the exterior unit, the age of the system, and the frequency of service checks so that you can keep your system effective and long-lasting.

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